Thursday, 5 April 2018

Unintended Hilarity

Be gentle with me today; I have laughed so much it actually hurts

Yes - it's Runaround Sue again

Post by Verdi Today at 12:50
The subject has been strategically manoeuvred to avoid the many salient points presented on this forum that cast doubt over the veracity of the Smith family sighting.  As long as that's allowed to continue, there will never be any progress.
As has been pointed out to you many times, you have not produced any evidence at all, merely invited people to draw the same bonkers conclusions as you.
CMoMM prides itself on being a leading investigative/research forum
That is the funniest thing I have ever read, especially as I think she actually believes it 
- an excellent place to hang out but always with the interests of Madeleine McCann at the forefront.  
The forum's success is reflected in the statistics, both membership and readership,
You have hardly any contributors - the rest are watching in fascinated horror 
the only way to retain it's reputation and integrity is to maintain the professional standard that CMoMM has built over the years.
Well, you have a reputation for being a complete laughing stock; a malodorous pit of looning morons and  shrieking, wild-haired harpies
  Since it's creation, the forum has gone from strength to strength - let's maintain that strong position by working towards a positive result, rather than a negative game of ping-pong.
Translation - we know we are in a state of terminal decline, but we are collectively too stupid to do anything about it. 

This thread is actually entitled..

Re: REPLIES from the Home Office & Met Police to FoI Act questions about Operation Grange expenditure & staffing & the Smithman efits (MARCH 2018)
Yes we know. We had to read the fucking thing, and it was utter shit. 

A positive move many will agree.  The replies are not very informative but miracles have not yet been accepted as the norm,  to get a straight response from a government official is akin to the proverbial 'getting blood out of a stone'.  
That will always be the case when you continue to ask totally fucking stupid questions 
This case is a massive establishment cover-up, they are not going to willingly lift the lid off a stinking rotten pile of merde - are they?
Another meaningless and proof-less statement 

Another very positive note is the very recent letter sent to the Portuguese authorities, showing evidence that could lead to a renewed investigation sometime in the future - not by the UK authorities I hasten to add.
It wasn't positive and it is in the bin. 

New evidence is what's needed to take this case forward, new evidence has been presented by the MMRG, through the auspices of Paulo Reis and is now in the hands of senior Portuguese authorities.
There was no new evidence and the thing is in the bin 
  Let's keep that positive alive, don't allow the forum to stagnate for the sake of mawkish sentimentality.
You are such a pompous slapper, you really are  
 In the grand scheme of things, it matters not who thinks what - because some ex-senior police official or some criminologist retains a blinkered view of the case, is not important.  The only important person is Madeleine McCann - it is she we work for, not the protection of some irrelevant personage on the periphery.
You do not work for Madeleine. You sit on your fat arse spinning stories and fairy tales 
 I believe I can say without fear of contradiction - members of CMoMM, past and present, know a whole lot more about the detail of this case than any part-time enthusiast, that pops up from time to time.

And I think I can say with absolute certainty that you don't. The only thing which is in rich supply here is bacofoil 


  1. That woman is a complete deluded laughing stock.

    1. What makes me laugh more than anything is the thought of the Portuguese authorities picking over all this and saying "We know the child was alive on the Thursday, we have photos. These English are fools"

    2. imagine the convo between OP and the Oporto team.
      ah well at least Reis made a few bob courtesy of a stupid Bennett groupie.

  2. How do you know that Verdi is a woman called "Sue"?

    Are you sure "Sue" is not Bennett with a dress on?

    1. I didn’t mean she was called Sue, that’s from the song.
      Trust me, she isn’t Bennett

  3. Would like to see some sort of proof that Verdi isn't Bennett.

    One and the same in my opinion.

    1. I can see how you would think so - they are equally obnoxious, both homophobic bigots - but really, they are different people. I can't give you proof, though, sorry. All I can say is that it isn't a case of not agreeing with you, or a matter of my opinion, I actually know as a matter of plain fact.

      I can understand, though. It's hard to believe the two obnoxious creeps can coexist.


Please ensure you write your posts in BLUE INK ONLY.

All posts should be divided into numbered bullet points, so I can pretend to be a solicitor again.