Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Spare parts

Verdi swooned as her hero Tony strode into the room, flinging off his mac to reveal his Brexit tank top

Morning all

First, a question - how big a pain in the arse is Verdi, Baldylocks' permanent tagalong?

"Huge" I hear you cry

Let's take a peep at her                                             latest

the Smithman efits (MARCH 2018)

Post by Verdi Today at 1:25
@Phoebe #36

1.  You actually said that the PJ were passing the buck, when they decided not the persue the return of Martin Smith to Portugal.  You have also said there was no request/requirement for the Irish police to become involved which clearly contradicts your passing the buck comment.  If the PJ requested the Irish police, by rogatory,  to re-interview Martin Smith and/or any of his family then they were involved weren't they?
No more involved than any other force, tasked with taking a statement 

The police don't get to pick and choose who or what they investigate, inter-police national and international protocol dictates - in short, they have no choice but to cooperate if requested.  If by example, the police at Witney Bay are investigating a crime and needs to interview a witness residing at Wookey Hole, they wouldn't send one of their own officers down to Somerset, they would arrange for a local force to contact and interview the witness - hence my comment about Martin Smith being dealt with locally.
And? We all know this, so why have you got your knickers in a wad? 

2.  There was nothing for the PJ to thoroughly investigate, Martin Smith said he saw television footage of Gerry McCann on his return to the UK, and recognized him with 60-80% certainty purely by the way he was carrying his child - probably the most common way of carrying a child of that age group.  How can you elaborate on that?  Martin Smith and his son and daughter had already returned to Portugal in May 2007 at the expense of the Portuguese, to give their original statements, three weeks after Madeleine's alleged disappearance, how could they possibly justify another visit by Martin Smith to re-affirm such flimsy evidence?  The most sensible/logical/economical mode of operation was to refer the new evidence to Martin Smith's home ground and/or the police in England assigned to coordinate the case from their end - that is precisely what they did do.
So what is your point? And it was hardly 'flimsy' evidence, two individuals who were able to put a tentative identification on the man they saw 

The Irish police have a responsibility to respond to a request for assistance by another national/international force, they do have a role to play - they must cooperate, they're in no position to refuse.
Are you specialising in the bleeding obvious? 

3.  The opinion of an officer of the Irish police as regards the integrity of a witness has no bearing - it is but an off the cuff opinion, not an official declaration.
It is an opinion offered by an officer of the law who knew him and was able to speak with regards to his standing in the local community. I'd like to see you or the Hooded CombOver find one to speak up for you 

4.  If the PJ and/or their counterparts in Ireland thought there was any reason to pursue Martin Smith's revelation moment, they would have done so.  As they didn't I think it can be safely concluded that they didn't think it worthwhile.
As you are clearly not privy to their thought processes, I think it can be safely concluded that you haven't a fucking clue what you are on about 

5.  If the PJ, the Irish police and the English police thought Martin Smith's 60-80% assurance it was Gerry McCann he and his family saw on the night of 3rd May 2007, thought it not worthy of  further attention, there was no requirement for Martin Smith to do anything.  If the police required further detail they would have contacted him as they didn't it becomes clear they had no reason so to do.
Another startling, razor-sharp deduction from the crabby cow in the corner 

Look at it from another angle. Martin Smith said he was 60-80% sure the stranger in the night of 3rd May 2007 was Gerry McCann - why the heck would the official police need to draw-up an artist impression or e-fit of a living person identified by the witness, if they took it seriously?
That is not how it works, dumbo.
The witnesses couldn't make a 100% positive ID. Absolutely the correct course of action was to ask them to help to compile a new image. The process itself can help to jog the memory of witnesses
Why not just haul Gerry McCann in for questioning, rather than leaving it a few years before issuing before the world for identification purposes?
Who? Who would you suggest called him in? Because the PJ already tried that and the UK plods had no jurisdiction 

The McCanns private detectives however, were anxious for Martin Smith to collaborate with their bogus investigation and Martin Smith willingly complied. 

Really? Well, I hope you have evidence to support that bold claim, sonny Jim! Have you spoken to the detectives to assess their level of anxiety?

Or Mr Smith, to determine his level of compliance? No, I didn't think so

So now what didn't happen has been cleared up, we now have what did happen.  In brief, Martin Smith was contacted by the McCanns private detectives, as early as January 2008 by way of Metodo3 and later by Oakley International through the auspices of the McCanns wealthy financial backer, the double glazing magnate Brian Kennedy.  Martin Smith worked with the latter to produce two e-fits which were apparently shared with Leicester police, the PJ and more recently Operation Grange - so we are led to believe.
No - he co-operated with them. He did not 'work with them'. 

 The two e-fits were the focal point of the Crimewatch 2013 Madeleine McCann Special, where ex-DCI Andy Redwood promoted them as persons of interest to the investigation.

If you think the Portuguese and Operation Grange are running scared because one of the e-fits is said to resemble Gerry McCann - think again!

What the fuck are you on about?

 If one or both e-fits looked remotely like Gerry McCann, the McCanns private detectives would most assuredly have had nothing to do with the production nor the promotion afterwards.  

Oh give over. Of course one looks like him. Doesn't mean it is him, but empirically it resembles him and to claim otherwise is just being a dick

Remember, the private detectives hired by the McCanns all turned out to be a bunch of criminals - I'm in no doubt this was known thoroughly when they were hired, indeed that would be the very reason they were hired.

Probably not wise to tar them all with the same brush - I'm sure they earn a lot more than you do

As I said previously, has it never occurred to you that Martin Smith and his family's alleged sighting was nothing but another reinforcement of the abduction theory?  

No, why should it?  Has it ever occurred to you that Baldylocks knows a credulous gobshite when he sees one?

Just what the McCanns needed back in May 2007 and just what ex-DCI Andy Redwood needed for the Crimewatch 2013 production!!!

Tin hats at the ready, people!

Cunning eh?  There is nothing clever about this extensive operation, just cunning pure and simple.

Cunning my arse. Why don't you put your cards on the big round table and say what you reckon they were doing, eh?  

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